LinkedIn– a social network platform that connects you with the business world. Basically, it’s a place where you have to act like the most professional, hardworking and responsible guy, even if you don’t know how to make a good PowerPoint presentation!
Even we know that whenever you open LinkedIn, you may get career anxieties as you see your friends and ex-colleagues promotions and new joining posts. And even listening to “Kun Faya Kun” won’t help you get rid of this anxiety.
We understand how painful it is to get your CV and LinkedIn profile rejected. It’s the second most painful feeling in the world. Well, being friend-zoned is still on the top!
But don’t worry; we are here to help (not to get you out of friendzone). In this blog, we are going to guide you with some tips to get maximum exposure from your LinkedIn profile.
Use a Professional Profile Picture
Upload a professional photo for your LinkedIn profile picture. Make sure you look as decent as possible because that’s not a platform to show your iPhone 14 in a mirror selfie! And yes, always use a profile picture with a headshot to look more professional.
Make Your Profile Public
LinkedIn is not your WhatsApp story that you need to hide from your relatives. LinkedIn is a business social network that helps you to build connections and further use those connections to tap into your networks. So there is no point in making your LinkedIn profile private.
Use Relevant Keywords to Your Headline
Like Instagram, you can’t write “Heart Hacker” or “Cake Murder” in your LinkedIn profile headline! Ok, fun apart! To be found by similar professionals, always use relevant SEO keywords stating your job title and expertise. There are millions of recruiters who regularly visit the same industry profiles to hire the right candidate.
To get noticed by employers, use the 120 characters in the profile headline to be a potential lead. For example, mentioning “Digital Marketing Professional” on top of “SEO Executive at Why Shy” will likely increase your chance of being connected with the same industry employers.
Edit Your Full Name in LinkedIn URL
Do you know that more than 40% of LinkedIn users visit the platform daily? However, this figure is still low compared to the number of people stalking their crush’s profile daily! Anyways, it would be beneficial to include your name in your LinkedIn URL to make it easier for employers to reach you quickly. This SEO trick will definitely help you to rank higher in search engines when people are looking for you. For example: http://linkedin.com/in/FULLNAME
Attach Documents and Links to Your Profile
Well, it may sound complicated, but trust us, it’s as easy as cooking Maggie. But let us be honest with you, both take more than two minutes. Adding important documents, images and links to your profile’s summary and experience section will help you to explain your skills and expertise. So make the most of this feature today and reap its benefits for your career exposure.
Add Honours, Awards and Publication
Do you have any special honours or awards? By the way, sometimes we think that if lying in CV was a sport in the Olympics, many people would have a gold medal! Isn’t it? Ok, back to the topic. If you have any published articles or special awards in your industry, add them to your profile to make it top-notch. It will make people know your worth and expertise as well.
Best Digital Marketing Agency
Finding the best digital marketing agency that helps your brand break out of its shell and makes meaningful connections on LinkedIn is more challenging than travelling from Gurgaon to Noida daily or choosing between Virat and MS Dhoni (by the way, MSD is GOAT). But no worries! Why Shy is your one-stop solution for kinds of LinkedIn marketing.
At Why Shy, We turn shy brands into social butterflies on LinkedIn. In addition, we can also make your LinkedIn profile so impressive you’ll start getting connection requests from your role models.
Along with top-notch LinkedIn strategies and expert personal branding, we offer digital marketing services like website development, social media marketing, and SEO to help your brand make meaningful connections and leave a lasting impression.